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How do I pick what species to plant?

Choosing the right tree species for your farm or block can be exciting, but selecting the right trees is crucial for both your aesthetic appeal and ecological success. Plant what you loveFirst and foremost, pick species that you genuinely like. If you don’t have an affinity for the plants you’re putting in, you’re less likely to care for them properly. Imagine driving up to your property and being greeted by trees that you admire and enjoy—this positive connection can make a big dif...

July 3, 2024

Do I need to fertilize my trees?

Thinking about giving your trees a boost with fertilization? It’s a great idea to give them a head start, but is it worth the cost and effort? Here’s a breakdown of whether you need to invest in fertilizer for your native trees.The Cost of FertilizingFertilizer tablets typically cost between 20 to 30 cents each, and applying them can add a bit of extra labour to your planting. While it may seem like a small investment, it’s worth considering whether it's the best use of your resources.When...

June 5, 2024

What time of year can I plant trees?

We're thrilled to see your enthusiasm for planting trees! However, timing is crucial to ensure your new plants thrive. Planting in the middle of February, for instance, can be challenging due to the heat. To help you make the most of your planting efforts, here's a guide on the best times to plant, depending on your site and local climate.Timing for Optimal PlantingIn the Waikato, the ideal planting window is generally in the autumn, starting when the soil becomes moist. This typically begins af...

May 15, 2024

What size trees should I buy?

This is a great question, and opinions on this can be quite strong. At Restore Native, we believe in providing options that cater to different needs and preferences.Our Standard Size: T28 GradePrimarily, we grow most of our plants in T28 grade or half a litre. These trees are approximately 500mm tall, and we've found they offer an excellent balance of size, cost, and efficiency for establishing high-quality native bush. If you're working on a revegetation project, this size is likely to be a gre...

April 24, 2024

Which Plants do the Birds and Bees love?

You want to plant for the birds and the bees – we love that! At Restore Native, planting for the birds is at the heart of what we do. When you look at our logo, you’ll see that trees for the birds are a big part of our identity.Planting for BirdsWe can provide you with specific advice about which trees will attract the birds you want to see. It's not just about planting Kowhai trees, even though they are well-known for attracting birds. Yes, Kowhai is wonderful; it flowers beautifully for a ...

April 3, 2024

Can I Plant Trees straight after Spraying?

I love that you’re eager to get out there and plant trees right after spraying—enthusiasm is always a great start! However, the timing for planting after spraying depends on the type of chemical you use. Here’s a breakdown to help guide you. Glyphosate:If you’ve used glyphosate as your pre-spray, the good news is you don’t have to wait long. Once you can see those spots confidently on the hill, you’re good to go. By then there won’t be any residual chemicals that would harm yo...

March 13, 2024

Can I get "Trees that Count" trees off you?

The short answer is yes! “Trees that Count” is a wonderful project, and we are proud to be one of their partners. If you’re looking to apply for funding with them, or you’d like a quote to help with your application, we’re here to assist you every step of the way.How It WorksApply for Funding: If you apply for funding with "Trees that Count," we can work with you to supply the necessary trees for your project.Get a Quote: Need a quote for your funding application? We can provide that, ...

February 21, 2024

Are your plants Ecosourced?

The short answer is: most of them absolutely are. At Restore Native, we are deeply committed to ecosourcing to ensure that our plants are not only hardy but also well-suited to their natural environment.Our Commitment to EcosourcingLiving on a beautiful farm in Te Miro, surrounded by stunning native bush, provides us with a fantastic opportunity to collect seeds locally. Additionally, we collaborate with many of our amazing clients across the Waikato to gather high-quality seeds. This local sour...

January 31, 2024

Why can't I just plant a Rimu Forest?

So, you want a Rimu forest, or perhaps a Miro or Kauri forest? Why can’t you just plant these majestic trees directly and skip the Manuka or other species? The answer lies in understanding how native forests naturally grow and thrive.The Role of Pioneering SpeciesNative forests don’t start with the big, long-lived trees. Instead, they begin with what we call colonizing or pioneering species. These are the fast-growing plants that can handle exposed conditions like wind, sun, and frost. Examp...

January 10, 2024

How do I ensure the Best Survival Rate?

No one wants a dead tree, and we certainly don’t want one of our trees to go into your place and drop dead on you. Ensuring the best survival rate for your newly planted trees involves a few key steps, and we’re here to guide you through the process to maximize your success.Our Commitment to QualityFirst and foremost, if there is ever an issue with any of our plants that leave the nursery—though rare—get in touch with us. We will replace it completely free of charge. However, once the tr...

December 22, 2023

What is the Full Service package you offer?

At Restore Native, our goal is to ensure that each plant grows from a young seedling into a thriving, mature tree. Our full-service package is designed to take care of every step in the process, making tree planting as seamless and successful as possible. Here’s what you can expect when you choose our comprehensive service: Our Full Service Includes:Planning and Advice: Whether you have already picked a site for planting, or need our assistance, we then drone map the site to provide accur...

December 4, 2023

Will the Council help pay for my Trees?

Planting native trees is a fantastic way to contribute to the environment, and many councils are eager to support these efforts, especially when it involves retiring non-suitable farmland. But how do you know if your local council will help fund your project? Council Support for Tree PlantingCouncils are generally very supportive of planting native trees, particularly in areas where farming land is being retired. This initiative helps restore natural habitats and improve biodiversity. Howev...

November 15, 2023

Should I use a Spade or an Auger?

When it comes to planting trees, the choice between using a spade or an auger can be crucial. While technology and methods have evolved, there are still mixed opinions about which tool is best. Let's dive into the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision. Concerns About Root-Bound TreesThere is a belief that augers might cause problems with root-bound trees. This issue can indeed happen, especially if you're using old pots or planter bags that encourage root coiling. When you pla...

October 25, 2023

How long will it take to plant my plants?

A common question we get is, "How long will it take me to plant trees?" The answer depends on a few factors, including your physical fitness, the tools you use, and the nature of your site. Here’s a breakdown to help you estimate the time and effort involved. Factors to ConsiderPhysical Effort: Your level of fitness and willingness to exert yourself play a significant role. Planting trees can be physically demanding, so be prepared to work up a sweat.Site Conditions: The ease of planting ...

October 4, 2023

Is Hand Releasing my plants enough?

When it comes to controlling weeds around your newly planted trees, the question often arises: is hand releasing enough? The answer is not straightforward, as it depends on various factors such as plant species, site conditions, and seasonal timing. Hand Releasing vs. Chemical ReleasingIn some situations, hand releasing can be sufficient. For certain species and specific sites, removing weeds by hand can keep your plants safe from competition. If you can effectively clear enough grass away ...

September 13, 2023

Do I really need to Release Spray?

The question of whether or not to release spray is a topic of much debate among those involved in planting native species. Our stance is clear - most plants benefit significantly from release spraying, though the necessity can vary depending on the site and the species you’re planting.Why Release Spraying MattersRelease spraying involves applying herbicides around your newly planted trees to control competing vegetation, primarily grasses. Here’s why we advocate for this practice:Enhanced Pl...

August 23, 2023

How do I control the Weeds?

Weeds! They can be the bane of existence from the moment a baby tree starts growing in the nursery to when it matures to the size of a human. Weeds can impact the growth and health of your plants at every stage. So, how do you control these pesky plants on-site, and which ones should you watch out for?The Importance of Weed ControlEffective weed control is essential for successful planting and long-term growth of native species. Here's why:Competition: Weeds compete with your plants for water, n...

August 2, 2023

Is Gorse really a good Nurse Crop?

The concept of using gorse as a nurse crop for regenerating native plants has been gaining traction lately. Inspired by Hugh Wilson's work at Hinewai Reserve in Akaroa, where gorse is used to aid native regeneration, many people are considering this approach. But is it really the best choice for your property?The Case for Gorse as a Nurse CropAt Hinewai Reserve, gorse has been used successfully to foster the growth of native species. Over time, native trees like Mahoe have started to thrive unde...

July 12, 2023

Do I need to use Plant Protection?

When it comes to protecting your newly planted native trees, opinions vary. However, based on our extensive experience planting in the Waikato region, we’ve found that plant protection measures are often unnecessary. Why Extensive Protection May Not Be NecessaryIn the Waikato, the climate is generally favourable for young plants, and we don’t face the same pest pressures as other regions. Here’s why you might not need to invest heavily in plant protection:Climate Conditions: Waikato's...

June 21, 2023

How do I prepare my site for Planting?

Preparing your site for planting native trees is crucial for their successful growth and long-term health. While the best preparation techniques can vary depending on your specific site conditions, there are a few key steps everyone should follow to ensure the best outcomes.1. Reduce CompetitionOne of the most important steps is to reduce competition from other plants, especially grasses and weeds. Here's how you can do it effectively:Spot-Spraying: This method involves spraying specific areas w...

May 31, 2023

Environmental Benefit Lots - How we can help!

If you're looking to subdivide your rural property and you need some planting done we can help.We specialize in providing cost effective, quality and simple solutions for farmers.  As a farmer myself and having subdivided on our farm I understand what's required in working with your surveyor and council to meet the conditions of planting and pest control associated with your EBL.We offer a full service... from site prep, plant supply to planting and post planting care.  We can als...

May 3, 2023

How big are our plants?

This is a great question and one we welcome being asked. Because we sell a well priced plant we get a lot of people asking how big our plants are because they're priced similar to root trainer or 5cm pot grades. In this video we dispel the myth that a well lower priced plant is a poor plant... but we also dispel the myth that a cheap plant is good value.   We want you to choose a plant that has these key traits Is a good size to out compete grass when establishingHas aggressive rootsIs...

April 21, 2021

How do I make my planting look great, fast?!

We live in an age where people want quick results.  That's fair enough as you've put a lot of hard work in to your planting, even if you're growing a forest which is going to last for thousands of years you will still want it to look good now!So how do you ensure those rapid visual gains?  Here are our three top tipsIncrease plant densityA lot of farmers will push out plant spacing to ~2m but if you spend a bit more and plant at 1.5m spacing then you'll have more trees filling in ...

April 15, 2021

Why our trees grow in trays

As you will have likely picked up by now, our main motivation is getting trees planted as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.  Breaking down the barriers for people to establish native plantings on their land.A big part of that is growing our plants efficiently in 28 cell trays.Here are the key reasons why we do this Aggressive roots - The cell trays have groves in them which train the roots downwards and build a strong root ball which allows the plant to rocket away onc...

April 2, 2021

What's in a name?

I have the absolute privilege of being guardian of this beast of a Rimu. It stands tall, high on the hill at the top of my farm in a small patch of virgin bush that seems to have been spared the woodsman’s axe. There are also massive Tawa and Pukatea but there is no doubting who the patriarch of this forest is and that’s why he is embodied in the centre of our logo. So why Restore? Well simply put that’s what we’re trying to do. Any piece of erosion prone farmland or swampy stream bank ...

March 29, 2021 Posts 1-25 of 27 | Page next

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