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We will be in contact shortly, but for now learn all about Restore Native and how we came about.
Better Trees, Better Results, Better Price
Restoring the right land to Native Trees
Our message is a simple one. We're growing native trees with a clear purpose
Restore land to its best use with native trees. This is marginal land not suitable for farming.
Enhance the environment by improving biodiversity and turning rough hillsides/swampy areas in to lush native bush.
Make it easy. We will advise on plant species and can do a full service including spraying/supplying/planting
Be cost effective. Smart growing techniques, knowledge of what works on farm and a desire to get more trees in the ground means our prices will be more than competitive

Restore Native is the vision of me, Adam Thompson.
What I want to do to help Restore Native trees to land that is not suited to sustainable farming.
I'm a farm boy who has been planting Native Trees on my own properties since I was 21. The love of trees and birds led me in to pest control and setting up the local Predator Free Cambridge group which I am still involved with.
I've run my own Mortgage Broking business for ten years and committed most of my time to that. Now with supportive business partners I've been able to make a lot more time available to pursue the biggest passion in my life, which Restore Native encompasses.
In 2018 we were fortunate enough to purchase a small farm and added to that a year later. The farm is blessed with 30 acres of native bush, some original stand which has never been touched. There is a giant Rimu in this Forest and you'll see that in the centre of our logo as it really guides the direction we are going.
This bush provides us with a large seed bank for growing plants. Along with protecting it we are now extending planting in to other areas of the farm.

The farm is classic rolling hill country farmed with traditional methods. As such there are a lot of wet and steep areas which are not suitable for farming that we are retiring and planting with natives... as many farmers in New Zealand are.
The biggest challenge I've had in 15 years of planting natives was not the desire to plant but the physical ability and funding to plant as many trees as I wanted to. We are going to address those two issues head on and make it easier for other farmers and environmentally minded people to plant trees and restore areas to their natural purpose.
Cheaper trees that are fit for purpose on farms and are easier to plant - Watch this space for more updates on exactly how... and we'd love for you to give our trees a forever home.